Form 5: IELTS Writing Opinion Essay – “More people are becoming famous”

With the help of the Internet and TV, more people are becoming famous. Is this a positive or negative development?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at last 250 words.


It is increasingly common for people today to have their fifteen minutes of fame. The internet has provided access to a global audience and technological advances have enabled the average person to broadcast themselves professionally. I would argue that this trend of ‘instant celebrity is rather detrimental to society as they promote poor values and are poorly regulated.

It could be said that these celebrities are great role models to young people. I have found, however, the opposite to be the case. The majority have become famous through reality shows or social media, and many of them have not reached their fame by doing something positive, but rather have often been found to be acting inappropriately or disgracing themselves. A more beneficial role or new celebrities would be those with real talents or who educate the younger generation.

I would also say that these Influencers’ often set unreal,tic targets for young people nowadays. They often portray glamorous lifestyles and claim to have the next big solution to get rich. In reality, any of them are simply exaggerating their status and spreading false claims. Impressionable youth often buy into their ideas and see these social media stars as idols, this notion is dangerous because it could distract young people from more important goals such as achieving good grades at school.

Finally, the stars on reality shows or social media are not regulated in the ideas they are sharing. Young students simply believe everything these famous people say, without any regard for facts and it seems we are creating a society of people who do not value the importance of truth or facts.

To conclude, the ubiquity of famous reality stars and influencers today is a highly negative trend. These people generally endorse superficiality and ignorant behaviour and disregard considered thought in favour of financial gain. We need to teach young people that there is more to life than trying to achieve fame and that there are many more worthwhile careers in the world.

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