IELTS Training Class 2022 – Assignment 1

IELTS Training Class (2022)

Tasks for Winter Vacation – Writing Task 1 (p. 89 Ex. 3) & Speaking Part 2 (p. 139 or 140)

Due date: 20/1//2023

Writing Task 1 (p. 89 Ex. 3)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The bar chart below shows the figures for imprisonment in five countries between 1930 and 1980.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

Write at least 150 words.

Guidelines & hints:

  • Para. 1 – paraphrase the question
    • What are the synonyms of “imprisonment” / “five countries” and “between 1930 and 1980”?
  • Para. 2 – overview
    • Five countries in TWO groups.
    • Which two countries had the biggest contrast (difference)?
    • Which three countries had the same trend?
  • Para. 3 – feature 1 / body 1
    • Write about the two countries with the biggest contrast, with data.
  • Para. 4 – feature 2 / body 2
    • Write about the remaining (餘下的) three countries which shared a similar trend.

Type your essay in Word and upload it to to Google Drive.

If you cannot access Google Drive, please send your document via WeChat.

Filename: Class(A/B/C)_ChineseName_F5X_No.docx  [X = original class]

Google Drive Link:

Speaking Part 2 (p. 139 or 140)

Give a 2-minute response to Speaking Part II. Record yourself and upload the video to Google Drive.

If you cannot access Google Drive, please send your video via WeChat.

Filename: Class(A/B/C)_ChineseName_F5X_No.mp4  [X = original class]

Choose either one:


  • Try to use the PPF (past, present, future) strategy to extend your response.
  • Google sample answers and study them.
  • Answers found by a 1-minute search:  (1, 2)
Google Drive Link: