Writing Task 2 Theme-based Sentences – Development

Typical sentences about development - paragraph
- In terms of effects (效果) of rising living standards, economic growth is an accurate indicator (指標) of economic development.
- For instance, nowadays a big issue for young people and the impoverished (赤貧的) is the lack of new jobs being created.
- Economic growth creates jobs and makes it easier for people to support themselves, decreasing the gulf (鴻溝) between the rich and the poor.
- Regarding the quality of life, people in highly developed countries (發達國家) have higher standards for their living conditions.
- As an example, young people with university degrees are often dissatisfied with working minimum wage (最低工資) jobs.
- In particular, in big cities, a shortage of rewarding work can leave individuals feeling less happy than individuals in less developed countries because of higher expectations (期望).
- As a result, it is important to nurture growth in many sectors (行業) of the economy.